27 cards   |   Total Attempts: 192

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>90% of UTIs are caused by what type of bacteria?
*Specifically most common?
*Next 4?
Aerobic gram neg
*Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Proteus, Pseudomonas
Gram + agent that may cause UTI in sexually active women?
Staphyloccous saprophyticus
Gram + agent that may cause UTI in men and women in indwelling urinary catheters? Another agent?
4 virulence factors that allow some organisms to colonize the urinary tract?
Hemolysin (often with strains that --> pyelonephritis)
Aerobactin (an Fe-scavenging molecule)
Risk factors that increase UTI incidence amongst women? (4)
History of recent UTI
Sexual activity
Use of diaphragm and/or spermicide
failiure to void after intercourse
Risk factor that increases UTI incidence amongst men?
Abnormal urinary tract, eg BPH
3 common symptoms of lower UTIs? (cystitis) And one that's less common?
Frequency, urgency, dysuria
gross hematuria
Though upper UTIs (pyelonephritis) may be present with symtpoms of bladder irritation, what distinguishs them from lower tract infections? 3
Flank pain
abodminal symptoms of pain, nausea, vomiting
How does physical exam differ between men and women?
Men: base dx on hx (other than finding fever, flank tenderness)
Women: need to consider possible PID...do pelvic exam and take dx specimens if there's evdience of urethritis or vaginitis
gonococcal or nongonoccal urethritis
bladder calculi
bladder tumor
chemical- or drug-induced cystitis
Most imp lab tests to dx UTI?
Urinalysis and urine culture
Cover-slipped slide of unspun urine can reveal what in UTI?
Luekocytes + organisms + WBC casts (pyelonephritis)
What if you can't examine urine under a microscope? Look for what?
Do urine dipstick. WBCs + nitrites correlates with UTI in 90% of cases.
When do you not really need urine culture?
Uncomplicated cases of lower UTI (causative agent and antibitoic susceptibility is predictable)
When should you do a urine culture?
* pts iwth possible upper tract disease
*pts with known or suspected anatomic abnormalities of the urinary tract
*pts with recent antibiotic treatment (within 4 weeks) for UTI and recurrent symptoms following empirical tx
*pts with atypical symptoms