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Expenditure Approach
C + I + G + XConsumption + Investment + Government Spending + Net Exports
Income Approach
W + R + I + P + SWages + Rent + Interest + Profit + Stat Adjustment
Statistical Adjustment
Statistical Discrepancy is adjusted by NIPA accountants to make the income approach match the outcome of the expenditures approach. (Difference of expenditures from income)
Durable Goods life?
Longer than 3 years (autos, furniture)
Nondurable Goods life?
< 3 years, food, gas, clothing
Breakdown of Consumption %?
10% Durable30% Nondurable60% Services
Gross Domestic Product
Aggregate output of final goods and services produced within the country's borders within a specific time period.
What is NIPA, who produces it?
NIPA = National Income and Product Accounts, produced by the BEA (Bureau of Economic Analysis)
Intermediate Good
Good that is for resell or further processing
Final Good
Good for purchase to end user
Multiple Counting Problem
Multiple counting of intermediate goods would distort the value of GDP
Non-production Transactions (excluded from GDP)
Financial Transactions and Secondhand Sales
I(g) Investment includes:
All final purchases of machinery by business, all construction, net change in inventories.
The trade of paper assets or resale of tangible assets
Non-investment transactions
Gross Investment - Depreciation = ?
Net Investment