Unit 5: Genetics

Middle school genetic

21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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The two possible forms of a gene (ie - blue or brown eyes)
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
Heredity material (instructions)
The allele with the most influence
Rosalind Franklin
Scientist who showed DNA to be in the shape of a spiral staircase
Genetic engineering
The maninpulation (changing) of genes by scientists
The genetic makeup of an organism
Traits passed from parents to offspring
Genotype with two different alleles (one dominant and one recessive)
Genotype with both alleles the same (both dominant or both recessive)
Incomplete dominance
When each allele has its own degree of influence (dominat alleles have more influence than recessive alleles)
Gregor Mendel
Austrian monk who did scientific experiments on pea plants to study how traits are passed from one generation to another
A change (mistake) in DNA; insertion, deletion, or substitution
Nitrogen bases
There are 4 different bases for DNA (adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine); fit together like puzzle pieces (A/T and C/G)
A diagram showing how traits pass through generations of a family
The physical characteristics of an organism (how it looks)