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What is this? |
Tarsal-wrist, metatarsal, phalanges
What is this? |
What is this? |
What is this? |
Phalenges, metacarpel, carpel
What is this? |
What is this? |
Radia on left, ulna on right (ulna is thicker, think radius has smaller radius and smaller)
What is this? |
What is this? |
Tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges
What is this? |
1-cervical vertebrae, 2-thoracic vertebrae, 3-lumbar vertebrae 4-caudal vertebrae (sacrum vertebrae where pelvis attaches is not marked out here)
What is this? Its the inner shell fused with the ribs
What is this? Think by the shoulder but on the triangle piece, it is the bottom one!
What is this? Upper arm bone
Humurus (in arm), ribs
What is a turtles plastron?
It is the belly shell, not the shell with ribs
Name the three parts of its pectoral girdle
Scapula, procoricoid, coricoid