Transfusion Science

Transfusion Science Final Exam May 2009

61 cards   |   Total Attempts: 199

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Give an example of an Ab to a high frequency Ag? What % of the popn would you expect to have this Ab?
Anti-k (2%) b/c k Ag is seen in 98% of the population.
What do sulfhydryl reagents destroy?
Kell Ags and most IgM Abs
What is a high titre, low avidity Ab? Give an example.
An Ab that shows rxn in IAT. Rxns are weak but don’t get diluted out; Chido, Rogers
What may be the cause if you experience an unexpected rxn during an IAT XM?
Donor unit is DAT pos; Pt has an Ab to a low frequency Ag
What are some ways to enhance weak Ab rxns? (6)
Use potentiators: LISS, PEG, BSA, enzymes; increase serum:cell ratio, increase incubation time (max 60 mins), fresher panel cells, fresher pt cells Wash panel cells 1x to remove preservative
What are cold alloAbs? What type of Ig are they? What rxn phase are they detected at? Give some examples.
IgM Abs that react best at IS or RT (colder temps) Examples include –P1, -M, -N, -Lea, -Leb
What are ways to avoid having rxns w/ cold Abs (in general – non-specific)?
Skip the IS phase, use only anti-IgG for IAT (don’t use C3), do auto-adsorption or use REST, use sulfhydryl reagents (destroy most IgM Abs
How can you remove rxns involving the cold Abs –M, or –N?
Treat the panel w/ enzymes (will destroy the M, N Ags)
How can you remove rxns involving Lewis Abs?
Use Lewis substance (saliva of Lewis pos secretions) – it neutralizes the Abs
How can you remove rxns involving –P1 Abs?
Use P1 substance (pigeon egg whites) or hydatid cyst fluid
What type of autoAb is the most common?
Warm autoAb
What is WAIHA? What are the causes of WAIHA?
Warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia; Idiopathic, disease related (cancer, lupus), medications
How can rxns w/ warm autoAbs be enhanced?
Use potentiators: LISS, enzymes, PEG
What blood product should be issued to a pt w/ a warm autoAb?
The least incompatible blood product!
How can rxns w/ warm autoAbs be avoided?
Do adsorption @ warm temp -WARM: warm Ab removal method (ZZAP soln = enzymes + DDT); Elution: elute the Abs off the RCs???