Transactional Analysis Theory: Study for CA MFT Licensing Exam

I am using these flashcards to study for the CA MFT Licensing Exam in 2011. This set is about Berne's Transactional Analysis Theory. 

47 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Transactional Analysis
- A.K.A. TA
- An integrative approach that combines elements of psychoanalytic, humanist and cognitive approaches
- Contractual approach
- Developed by Eric Berne (1950's)
Focus of TA
- Transactions (dynamics contained in people's interactions)
3 ego states of TA
Answer 3
- Parent, adult, child
- Neo-Freudian theory of personality
Premise of TA
- Freedom from historical maladaptions embedded in the childhood script is required in order to become free of inappropriate, inauthentic and displaced emotions which are not a fair and honest reflection of here-and-now life
- People can change
  • - We all have a right to be in the world and be accepted
Flow of verbal communication and unspoken psychological flow of communication that runs parallel
3 kinds of transactions
Answer 6
1) Reciprocal/Complementary
2) Crossed
3) Duplex/Covert
Parent ego state
- Exteropsyche
- Unconscious mimicking of parents
Adult ego state
- Neopsyche
- Objective appraisal of reality
- Like a computer processing info
Child ego state
- Archaepsyche
- Behave, feel and think similarly to how they did in childhood
- Immature
TA games
Common counterproductive social interactions
3 types of TA games
1) First degree games
- Socially accepted
2) Second degree games
- Concealed though may not cause damage
3) Third degree games
- Could lead to drastic harm
- Recognition, attention or responsiveness that one person gives another
- Positive = warm fuzzies
- Negative = cold prickles
6 ways people seek recognition
- Withdrawal
- Ritual
- Pastimes
- Activity
- Games
- Intimacy
Life (or childhood) script
- A life plan, directed to a reward
- Decisional and responsive
- Reinforced by parents (or mentors)
- Mostly outside awareness
- How we navigate and what we look for (filters reality)
Varieties of life (or childhood script)
- Tragic
- Heroic
- Banal