Topic 1 Magnitude & Uncertainty

Topic 1 questions that contains some key words in ib tests

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State the SI fundamental units
1) Time: second: s2) Length: meter: m3) Mass: kilogram: kg4) Temperature: kelvin: k5) amount of substances: mole: mol6) light intensity: candela: cd7) Current: Ampere: A
State units in the accepted SI format
State the largest and smallest magnitude of things for Mass
Mass of electron = 10-30mass of the universe = 1052
State the largest and smallest magnitude of things for length
Radius of the universe: 1026diameter of the proton: 10-15
State the largest and smallest magnitude of things for time
Age of the universe: 1019passage of light across nucleus: 10-23
Examples of Systematic errors
1) poorly made instrument2) poorly calibrated instrument3) zero error4) poorly timed (start/ end)5) parallax error
Examples of Random errors
1) wrong data used2) wrong equation3) wrong theory4) wrong calculation5) misreading scales
Distinguish Accuracy and Precision
Accuracy : how close a measurement is to the accepte valuePrecision: indicated by the agreement among number of measurement
Two ways to reduce random errors
1) use more sensitive equipment2)taking more measurements and use average data
Requirements for a line to be linear
1) best fit line is a straight line 2) best fit line passes through (0,0)
What does "directly proportional" mean?
Linear relationship
What is the definition of best fit line?
The line going through each error bar. The line can be curved or straight.
What to do when the equation contains exponents?
Use logarithms
What two parts make up all measurements and quantities ?
1) the number2) the units
What are derived units?
The combinations of fundamental units