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Plasma seeps into wound carrying anitbodies
Scab forms on surface, macrophages clean up debris
Clot formation
Clot is replaced by granulated tissue
Replacemtn of dead or damaged cells with original cells
List the tissue repair processes in order:
Inflammationclot formationorganizationregeneration
Replacement of dead or damaged cells with scar tissue (collagen)
What are four main tissue types?
Internal communication between cells
Nervous tissue
Movement of whole body, body parts, substances through the body) posture, speech, respiration and heat production
Muscular movement
Connects organs to each other, gives support and protection, energy and heat production, movement and transportation of materials.
Connective tissue
Protection, sensory perception (skin), filtration (kidneys), lubrication, digestion, absorption (GI tract), secretion (nasal membranes), excretion (urinary tract), reproductive fallopian tubes)
What are the different types of connective tissue?
Areolar, reticular, adipose, dense regular, dense irregular, hyaline cartilage, elastic cartilage, fibrocartilage, bone tissue
Fascia between muscles
Areolar tissue
Forms supportive stroma for lymphatic organs
Energy storage, insulation, space filled as cushioning
Adipose tissue