What Do You Know About Greek Ancient Theater and Drama Flashcards

109 cards   |   Total Attempts: 195

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1. The dithyrambos was?
- An ancient, drunk, dance-chant fertility ritual that celebrated the birth of the wine god.
1. Kabuki is mainly a director’s theatre.
- False
The Renaissance was characterized by which of the following?
- A renewed interest in classical (Greek and Roman) civilization.
1. In Mandarin, Chinese Opera is called xiqu, which means?
“Tuneful theatre
1. The most comprehensive and detailed theatrical treatise of the ancient world, detailing analyses of dramatic texts, the theatre building, acting, staging, music, and even theatre-company organization, is
The Sanskrit Natyasastra, or “treatise on theatre
1. Rome’s greatest contribution to the theatre was
Their architecture of the theatre space
1. The Royal era was characterized by the aristocracy’s support of public theatres, such as the Globe Theatre.
- False
Which of the following CANNOT be said of Shakespeare
- He wrote only for the court of Elizabeth I.
1. Ancient Egypt’s Abydos Passion Play and other texts of that time employed ploy elements that indicate they derived from even more ancient
Ritualized reenactments of the coming of spring and celebration of rebirth
The term “Middle Ages” describes the period of history
- Between the fall of Rome and the coming of the Renaissance.
The primary foundations of theatre are ritual and dancing
Which of the following is NOT true of Greek chorus?
It offered individuals the opportunity to voice personal opinions.
Which drama, whose name means “storyplay” originated in rural villages in the province of Kerala in the seventeenth century and is based on any of thousands of stories from two great Indian epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata?
Rome’s greatest contribution to the theatre was
Their architecture of the theatre space
Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides are the three masters of Greek tragedy.