Theatre Test #1

Theatre test #1

46 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Robert Edmund Jones
A spontaneous 'light bulb' moment, show an experience rather than just tell (spontaneous inspiration)
Joseph Campbell
Mythologist/anthropologist; human capacity to imitate and fantasize, leads to the creation of myth and ritual
Ancient India, Bhrama commanded 1st drama; Natya Sastra- canons of dance and drama, id's crucial components of Sanskrit drama
Thea evolved out of religious rituals(dithyrambs); Thespis intro'd dialogue
Written by Aristotle; 1st known Western analysis of a body of dramatic lit, defines very nature of Western thea
Mahabharata and Ramayana
Basis for many plays in Sanskrit drama, 2 epic poems, religious and ethical works
Athol Fugard
Author of Master Harold
David Henry Hwang
Author of M. Butterfly
Male/female praise singers, storyteller and something more sacred, living memory of the ppl, still exist in Africa, comm story of the ppl
1/3 giants of tragic drama, intro'd 2nd actor, red'd chorus to 12, invented trilogy, incr'd imp of dramatic part, devel'd satyr as 4th play in tril
2/3; intro'd 3rd actor and later 4th; inc'd chorus to 15; serenity; added subtlety+suppleness; quiet moments; plot/characterization; acts
3/3; inc'd # of chars/roles; drama can focus on indiv+on specific social Q's; devel'ing interest in abnormal psych; disconnect'd chorus frm m.act
Author of Iliad and Odyssey
Suspension of disbelief
Taking our tendency to disbelieve and suspending it, we choose for the duration of play to believe that these ppl are experiencing real life
Aesthetic distance
A part of us never forgets we're watching a show and taking in whatever messages are being conveyed