Theatre History II Final Exam

60 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

Front Back
William Wycherly
- Playwright
- Restoration
- Wrote The Country Wife
Max Reinhardt
- 1875 - 1915
- Playwright
- Freethinker, emphasized women's rights
William Devant
- Restoration
- Producer
- Monopolized English theatre
Sarah Bernhardt
- 1875 - 1915
- Actress
- Romantic style actress
Henrik Ibsen
- 1875 - 1915
- Playwright
- Wrote "A Doll's House"
Mikhail Chekhov
- 1875 - 1915
- Theorist
- Psychological gesture
Dion Boucicault
- 1800- 1875
- Actor
- Melodramatic actor
Vicrorien Sardou
- 1800 - 1875
- Playwright
- Well-made plays
Aphra Behn
- Restoration
- Playwright
- First female English playwright
Emile Zola
- 1875 - 1915
- Actor
- Naturalistic wrighter
Freidrich Schiller
- 1800 - 1875
- Playwright
- Wroter "The Robbers"
Oscar Wilde
- 1875 - 1915
- Playwright
- Wrote "The Importance of Being Earnest"
Vsevelod Meyerhold
- 1875 - 1915
- Theorist
- Action was fluent and physical gestures never stopped
Bibiena Family
- 18 Century
- Set builders
- Built historical sets
Anton Chekhov
- 1875 - 1915
- Playwright
- Wrote the Seagull