Theatre 101 Chapter 5-8 Notecards

These are review notecards for the chapter 5-8 Theatre 101 test at West Virginia University.

25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

Front Back
French word meaning category or typeOldest and best-known genres are tragedy and comedy
Traditional tragedies
Heroes/heroines must pay for their mistakesTragic irretrievability-no going backAcceptance of responsibilityTragic Verse-Poetry
Modern Tragedy
No queens or kings as central figures, written in prose. Probe the same depths and asks the same questions
Suspension of natural laws. Contrast between individuals and the social order. Outrageous characters in the real world, real characters in outrageous world
Thrives on exaggeration, broad physical humor
Ludicrous imitation of other forms of drama or of an individual play
Uses wit and irony through language to expose evil and foolishness
Domestic Comedy
A type of play that deals with family situations that are found most frequently today in television situation comedies
Comedy of manners
Points up foibles and peculiarities of upper class
Classical acting
Development of the Inner feelings of the character, a sense of the physical and vocal qualities of the character. a master of the classic language of the play. an athletic ability and control of body
Three challenges of acting
To acquire the many skills both physical and vocal that stage performances demand, to make characters believable, to integrate these two that is to combine skills with credibility
System of teaching acting which consists of Relaxation, concentration and observation, and importance of specifics
Inner Truth
Thoughts and emotions of the character
Performers gradually memorize their lines and flesh out their characterrs
The arrangements and movements of performers relative to eachother as well to the furniture and to the places where they enter and leave the stage