The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Trivia

45 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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What was the name of the White Witch?
What biblical reference goes with Edmund’s betrayal of his siblings?
When Judas betrays Jesus
What year was The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe published?
What animal led the four children to Mr. Beaver?
A robin
In the movie, why was it that Mr. Tumnus decided to let Lucy go?
He realized that humans are kind and ended up befriending Lucy.
What color was Lucy’s hair in the novel and what was she titled as when she became queen?
Golden hair, Lucy the Valiant
In the movie, how did Peter, Susan, Lucy, Mr. Beaver and Mrs. Beaver escape from what would have been their first encounter with the wolves?
Through the underground tunnel
Who did they meet at the end of the tunnel that helped save their cover from the wolves?
The fox
In the novel, why did the Witch have troubles catching up to Peter and the others?
Because spring was in the air and a sledge does not go fast without snow
What genre is The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe classified?
At the end of the book, what was the lamppost, which marks the eastern side of Narnia, covered by?
Clusters of trees
In the movie, what were the children doing when Lucy returned to Narnia (when Edmund followed her to Narnia)?
They were sleeping.
What were the presents that Father Christmas gave to the children?
Peter: a gold sword and a shield
Susan: a bow and a quiver full of arrows and a little ivory horn
Lucy: a dagger and a bottle of cordial to heal if a friend is hurt
In the book, why did the four children hide in the wardrobe?
Because they were avoiding Mrs. Macready who was showing the house to a group of visitors.
What does Mr. Tumnus serve to Lucy at tea when they first meet?
He serves an egg, sardines on toast, honey, buttered toast, and cake.