The Centers of Human Design

In Human Design, a science of differentiation, nine centers are used to illustrate the flow of energy through the BodyGraph and how it is transmuted and transformed. These cards ask questions relating to the flow of energy through, and specifics for all nine centers as it is relayed from the Definitive Book of Human Design by Lynda Bunnell.

91 cards   |   Total Attempts: 192

Cards In This Set

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How many Manifestation centers are there? What are they and what do they do?
The Throat is the only manifestation center. All the centers move energy toward the throat to exact a distinct "voice" as a means to physically manifest or verbally communicate our human intelligence.
How many Pressure centers are there? What are they and what do they do?
The two Pressure centers are the Head and Root which provide energy to the Awareness centers. The Head provides the pressure to 'know' while the Root provides the pressure to 'do'. The Root's adrenalized energy is a potent fuel for the awareness centers, unlike the Head.
How man Awareness centers are there? What are they and what do they do?
The Splenic, Ajna, and Solar Plexus are the three Awareness centers. Each focuses our experiences into body, mind, and spirit awareness unlike the other centers which work mechanically. Upon reaching the Throat they display our conscious intelligence.
How many Motor centers are there? What are they and what do they do?
The Root, Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Heart are the four motors. These centers have particular frequencies that provide us with energy resources we need to manifest our lives. The Root adrenaline keeps us going. The Solar Plexus wave provides desire for experience, intimacy, and spirit awareness. The Sacral generative energy supports the creative life force known as Form. The Heart "I,me,mine" energy is the source of our willpower and establishment of communal hierarchies.
How many Identity centers are there? What are they and what do they do?
The only Identity center is the G Center. It is the location of the Magnetic Monopole. Strategically placed in the center of the Mandala it establishes our identity as a direction through time and space called our geometry. This is how our own unique energy is wired to the energy of all the universe.
If a center is defined, what does that mean?
Centers that are defined are fixed and reliable in the way in which they operate. We depend on these as tools to understand ourselves. They are the centers colored in on the BodyGraph.
If a center is undefined, what does that mean?
The undefined centers are the places where we experience outside influences or conditioning. They are where we can gather wisdom and learn but are also the source of our Not-Self themes.
In what center is the Personality Crystal located? At what time did it enter that center?
The Personality Crystal is located in the Head Center and entered during the last trimester of birth when the body is fully formed in the womb.
What is the Personality Crystal not aware of?
The Personality Crystal is not aware that it is the passenger of the BodyGraph which is really being driven by the Magnetic Monopole. Also the Personality Crystal is not aware of our evolution from a Decision-Making being to a Wisdom and Outer Authority for others being and will therefore unwittingly bring about Not-Self themes.
In what center is the Design Crystal located? At what time did it enter that center?
The Design Crystal is located in the G center until the body of the baby is formed which is when it moves into the Ajna center. This separation from the magnetic monopole is what creates our life long search for love.
What conditions our undefined centers?
Planetary transits, people, and all life forms, including insects, birds, animals and plants who's auras manage to overlap with ours.
What happens because of the curiosity of our undefined centers?
We naturally seek others who have the definitions we do not. Too much conditioning from them puts pressure our openness and triggers the mind to think of what we do not have thereby bringing in not self themes.
Is conditioning on our undefined centers bad?
No, it is neither bad nor good. The conditioning can bring about our Not-Self themes, however, learning is accomplished when you witness these themes and Identify instead of with themes true to ones Identity thereby allowing the mind to see through Not-Self themes of a particular center and become properly conditioned. Wisdom lies in the unattached experience of our openness.
What is the Not-Self mantra meant to do?
They are meant to apply to our open centers to determine if we are operating in our true self.
What are the keynotes of the Throat center?
Communication and Manifestation.

Metamorphosis and Transformation through interaction with the world.