The Basic Concepts of Digital Media

The aim is to develop an understanding of the basic concepts of digital media

5 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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What is digital media?
Any media created using computer technology
What are the different types of DMO's?
Things like edited movies, multipage websites, multipage desktop documents (these can be online or printed)
What are DMT's?
DMT’s are Digital Media Types……these are different types of media that are integrated to create a DMO… audio (sound), video, graphics, animation and still images (photographs)
What are design elements?
Design elements are the things we use (along with our DMT’s) to make our DMO….things like: colour, lines, shapes and texture
What are design principles?
Design principles are the way we place on design elements in our DMO. They are things like cale (proportion and balance), contrast, space, proximity, repetition and resolution.