The Adaptations of Camels, Pythons and Giraffes Flashcards

Here is the flashcard quiz based on Adaptations of Camels, Pythons, and Giraffes in the form of quiz based flashcard quizzes. Attempt these flashcard quizzes and increase your knowledge to become a master of it. ​

11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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This animal can close its nostrils to prevent sand entering its nose during a sandstorm.
This animal has a powerful tail which is useful for performing activities or movements such as hooking around branches to aid balance.
This animal has a splayed foot to spread its bodyweight over a larger surface area to ensure that it does not sink into the sand.
This animal can unhinge its jaws in order to take in and swallow large prey items.
This animal has long eyelashes and ears lined with hair protect this animal from sandstorms.
This animal's long neck allows it to reach up high to the very tall trees and vegetation which competing animals cannot reach. This means that it has a more plentiful food supply.
This animal has heat sensors along its upper lip and an extremely sharp sense of smell which allows it to track prey.
This animal has a special valve in its neck which prevents all of its blood blowing to its neck when it bends over to take a drink.
This animal has humps packed with fat which can be changed into water to ensure that it does not become dehydrated when walking through the desert or places where there is a lack of water.
This animal has a great skill for climbing.
This animal can survive on a low amount of water, but also has the ability to take on large quantities of water in one go.