Texas Revolution Flashcards

These flashcards review significant events of the Texas Revolution.

9 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Question 1
Battle of Gonzales
First battle of the Texas Revolution
Mexican army retreated after a brief fight
Texans suffered no casualties
Battle of San Antonio
Gave Texans control of the Alamo
Question 3
Seige of the Alamo
Santa Anna arrived early and caught Texans off guard
Motivated Texans to fight for Independence
"Remember the Alamo"
Fannin's Surrender at Goliad
Fannin's med surrendered at Coleto Creek
Texans were promised release but then executed
Motivated Texans and Americans to support the fight for independence
Travis' Letter "To the People of Texas"
Plea for reinforcements
Described desperate situation of the Alamo and the heroes who fought
"Neveer surrender or retreat"
Question 6
Constitutional Convention of 1836
Occurred during the Seige of the Alamo
Texas declared Independence from Mexico
Set up a provisional government with Houston as the head of the army and Burnet as president
Runaway Scrape
Fear spread accross Texas as people heard about Santa Anna's brutality
The Alamo, Houston's Retreat, and the Goliad Massacre caused panic and people fled the area
Battle of San Jacinto
Santa Anna was overconfident and underprepared
The battle lasted 18 min
Santa Anna was captured
The Revolutions ended and Texas became an independent republic
Trreaties of Velasco
One public treaty and one private treaty
Sam Houston agreed to release Santa Anna to prevent Mexicans from seeking revenge and prevent from making him a martyr