Texas Government Study

9 cards   |   Total Attempts: 191

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Texas may accrue state debt when it
Issues general obligation or revenue bonds
What is true of private prisons in Texas?
Texas has more privately operated prisons than any other state.
Compared to legislators in other states, those in Texas receive
Low pay, reasonable allowances, and generous retirements.
Texas's commitment to education began with which state constitution?
In the case of a person facing a death sentence, the governor of Texas may independently
Grant a 30-day stay of execution of a death sentence
In Texas,
The parks system is the responsibility of the Texas Environmental Quality Commission.
The state auditor is appointed by and serves at the will of the
Legislative Audit Committee
State accounts are audited under the direct supervision of the
State auditor
In Texas, projected revenue levels are provided to the governor and legislature by the
State comptroller of public accounts