Test Your Airport Knowledge Flashcards

Here is the list of flashcards which is based on Airport Knowledge in the form of flashcard quizzes. Try to attempt these quizzes and gain some knowledge related to the Airport Knowledge.  

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 193

Cards In This Set

Front Back
What do you call that place that serves planes of commercial airline.
What do you call all freight, except baggage, carried in the belly of an airplane?
Cargo. They can be live (animals) or material cargo.
What do you call that large open space at airports used for passage of passengers to go from one place to another in the airport?
What is that building,usually high, glass- enclosed booth equipped with radar, radio, signal lights, and other equiptment for directing air traffic.
Control Tower
What do you call that area in an airport terminal where passengers wait for their seat for the airplane, board the airplane, and leaves the airplane after arrival?
What is the name of the main airport building where all the services are rendered for flying passengers?
What is the term for that pattern of flights around an airport for arriving and departing aircraft?
Traffic Pattern
What do you call the airline employees who help in making sure that you board your flight?
Gate Agents
The employees who are in charge of putting your luggage in the airplane?
Luggage (or baggage) handlers.
What is the piece of paper that shows you where your seat is located in the airplane?
Boarding Pass