Test Worthiness and Statistics Flashcards

Test Worthiness and Statistics Consists of correlation, reliability, types of reliability, and much more with these flashcards. Attempt the test Worthiness and Statistics as a flashcard quiz, learn and memorize new terms, keywords, definitions.

21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Statistical expression of relationship between two sets of scoresNumber between -1 & +1
Coefficent of Determination
Aka Shared Variance: square of correlation ; depression and anxiety
Consistency; stability; replicability; repeatability of scores*would you score the same if you took the test over, and over,  and over agian
Classical Test Theory
Measurement error in every instrumentobserved score= true score+ errorcloser to r=1.0 the less error in the test
Test- Retest Reliabilty
Give the test to same group of people 
Coefficent of Equivalence
Parrallel, alternate or equivalent forms (have two forms of the same test)
Internal Consistency 
How individual itesm relate to each other and the test as a while*popular choice to establish reliability due to ease of running in statistical programs
Split-Half Reliabilty
Correlate one half of test with other half*use Spearman-Brown to control for shortness of test
Inter-Item Consistency
Average correlation of all of the possible split-half reliabilities
Inter-Rater Reliabilty
Behavioral observations
Item Response Theory (IRT)
Extension of classical test theory looks at the amount of error in the total testI
The degree to which accumulated evidence supports the intended interpretation of test scores for the intended purpose
Content Validity
Examines whether the content of the test is valid for the kind of test it is
Face Validity
A guick look at the 'face' valuse of questions*tests are not always face valid
Criterion Validity
The relationship between the test and a criterion the test should be related to *concurrent validity & predicitve validity (SAT & ACT)