Test Review-Absolute Monarchs

Absolute Mona rchs tes

25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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What is an Absolute Monarch?
-Kings or Queens who believe that all power within their country rested in their hands -They do not have to answer to anybody
What was divine right?
A king believed that God created the monarchy & he chose him to be king.
What were Philip II's problems? (6)
-Inflation caused by rises in population, goods were costing more. -Too much silver in the market -Spain kicked out the Muslims & Jews -Upper class did not pay taxes, only the poor. No middle class -Had to borrow money from enemies -Philip declared bankruptcy 3 times
Which document gave religious toleration to the French Huguenots?
-The Edict of Nantes
What was Louis XIV's theme?
-"I am the state"
What was Louis XIV's nickname? Why was he called this?
-"The Sun King" -He surrounded himself with luxury, he believed all things came from him
Why did the War of Spanish Succession happen?
-The throne was promised to Louis XIV's grandson... Balance of power was messed up -England, Austria, the Netherlands, Portugal and states of Germany & Italy joined together to fight Spain & France
What document ended the War of Spanish Succession?
-The Treaty of Utrecht
What did it state?
-Louis grandson could be the King of Spain but he couldn't also be the King of France
What was the "Thirty Years' War?"
-A conflict over land, religion & power among European countries. -Started with German Catholic Princes vs. German Lutheran (protestant) Princes -Very destructive to Europe
What document ended the "Thirty Years' War"?
-The Peace of Westphalia
What did the document do?
-Weakened the Hapsburg states of Spain & Austria -France gained German Land, therefore becoming even stronger -German princes not under the control of the Holy Roman Emperor -Religious wars ended in Europe
What are the effects of the "Thirty Years' War"?
-Germany's population goes from 20 million to 16 million -Trade & agriculture were destroyed -Germany's economy is ruined -Peace of Westphalia
Who were the land-owning nobles in Russia?
How did Peter the Great westernize Russia?
-He brought the church under state control -He took power away from landowners -Hired Europeans to train his army in the West's tactics -Introduced the potato -Started a newspaper -Raised the status of women -Made nobles dress in western fashions -Moved the capital to the west (St. Petersburg) 25,000-100,000 people died while building the capital