Test and Prescription Exam #1


52 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Front Back
Physical Fitness
Ability to carry out daily tasks with alertness and vigor, without undue fatigue, and withe nough reserve to meet emergencies or enjoy leisure pursuits.
Health Fitness

Freedom from disease, with ability to carry out tasks of daily living.
Measuring- cardio, body comp., flexibility, muscular strength/endurance.
Sport Fitness
Ability to perform well in sport.
Measuring- Aerobic Power (Vo2max), anaerobic power and capacity, body comp., flexibility, muscular strength/endurance, motor ability (speed, agility, reaction time, vision.)
Physicaly Activity Readiness QuestionnaireTells you if you should check with a doctor b4 starting exercise.
Aerobic Power
V02 max. (Maximal oxygen uptake)
Energy or oxygen cost of performing work in exercise
Fick Equation
V02= Qc(a-v)O2 difference
Qc= Cardiac Outputa= Arterialv= venous
Cardiac Output
Qc= HR * SV
Qc= Cardiac OutputHR= Heart RateSV= Stroke Volume
MAP= Mean Arterial PressureTPR= Total Peripheral Resistance
Cardiac Output
Untrained at Rest?(Amount of Blood, HR&Speed, Force)
5L*min, 70 bt min, 75ml bt
Cardiac Output
Untrained at max?(Amount of Blood, HR&Speed, Force)
25L*Min 200 bt min 125ml bt
Cardiac Output
Trained at Rest?(Amount of Blood, HR&Speed, Force)
5L*min 50bt min 100ml bt
Cardiac Output
Trained at max(Amount of Blood, HR&Speed, Force)
35L*min 200 bt min 175 ml bt
Factors that Determine TPR??

- Length (Increased in exercise)-Viscosity (Resistance to flow. b/c of increased pressure due to posture. Standing up etc.)-Diameter (Local vasodilation vs general sympathetic vasoconstriction.)
Increase in vasodilation = decrease in TPRIncrease in vasoconstriction = increase in TPR
Why measure BP?
At rest and in exercise tests?
At rest = evidence of hypertension
exercise test= for safety. To determine onset of angina ( chest pain, tells heart not enough BF.), to ensure increase in CO with an increase in work rate.
Pros and Cons?
Pros- larger values then cycle egrometercons- can fall, difficult to measure EKG