Temps Test (ohio) City Flashcards

Here is a set of flashcards based on the preparation for the Ohio drivers test. Get the best knowledge regarding the Ohio drivers test with the help of Flashcards. Learn and prepare the Ohio drivers test with ease and fun with flashcards. Learn with Fun and Grow.

12 cards   |   Total Attempts: 192

Cards In This Set

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You must stop when. . (6 diffrent awnsers)
Behind a stop line ir crosswalk, stop light, a sidewalk, before intering an entersection, approaching a safety vehicle, at a stop sign.
What is the speed limit in all alleys or municiple corporation?
15 mph
What is the speed limit when passing a school during school hours?
20 mph
What is the speed limit throughout all state routes and outside business?
35 mph
What is the speed limit throughout all highways?
60-65 mph
What vehicals must stop before crossing a railroad? (there are 3)
1. motor vehicals carrying passengers for hire. 2.all school busses. 3.vehicals carrying material
Name 3 ways you  could have a 6- point violation on your licence
Homicide by vehicle, racing, failure to stop after a collision, useing a vehicel after a felony, operating a vehivle without permission of the owner
Name how you could get a 4 point violation
Willful or wanton disregard of the saftey of persons and property.
Name a few ways how you can get a 2- point violation
Speeding or you are not registerd
How can you get +2 points on your licence?
Taking a driving course
What does the blue and white signs mean?
They provide directions to rest areas, hospitls and camp grounds
What do the green and white signs mean?
Distance and guidance