Define the Psychology of Learning Flashcards

Phy co people are crazy. you know? 

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Escape learning reflects the operation of
Negative reinforcement.
Studies of animals, such as pigeons, rats, and scrub jays, show that animals
Are sensitive to the passage of time.
Regarding altered states of consciousness (ASC), which of the following statements is FALSE?
Most people do not know when they have experienced an altered state of consciousness.
A novice sailor who is having trouble telling port from starboard may remember that port and left both have four letters or may remind him or herself that “I left port.” This illustrates the use of
The pattern of EEG waves present when one is awake and alert is characterized by ______ waves.
Regarding the brain activity and wave-pattern during REM sleep,
All of these activations occur.
A gambler playing a slot machine is reinforced on a _____ schedule of reinforcement.
Variable ratio
Regarding teenagers and sleep, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Rapid physical changes during puberty decrease the adolescent's need for sleep.
Sleep spindles usually first appear in Stage _____, whereas delta waves first appear in Stage _____.
2; 3
A mismatch between a person's circadian rhythm and the demands of the environment result in
Sleep-wake schedule disorder.