Take Home Test 1

37 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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If you read an article compaing the value of breastfeeding vs forula feeding on the physical growth of infants probably writtin by what psychololgist
When people read there horoscopes they often believe these flattering descriptions of themselves due to
Uncritical acceptance
A system of ideas designt to interrelate concepts and facts in a way that summerises existing data and predicts future observ.
The father of pshychology and founder of the first pshycologiical lab
The concept of natural selection was adapted to the study of human behaviour by the followes of which scholl of thought in psychology
Psychology is BEST defined as the
Scientific study of behavior and mental process
Any theory of behavior the emphasizes internal conflicts motives and unconscious forces is what theory
Behavioral- nutral, scientific, somwahat mechanistic view
Pyschological approach
What is psychological prespective sees behavior as a the result of hidden clashing forces within ones personality
Dr Maxwell is conducting research to determain how a persons subjective well being is affected by his or her goals, choices, values , emotions and perosnality. Dr maxwells research would fit under which psychological approach?
Positve Psychology
Placebos have such a strong effec on people because
They alter conscious and unconscious expectations
Eggs and sperm unite is what
First year is sensitive period for what development
Deliberatle making an evironment more stimulating nutrional, comforting and loving is
Slow to warm up children are
Restrained and unexpressive