Study Driving Test

They're basically for me to study and do well on the driving test tomorrow!

19 cards   |   Total Attempts: 191

Cards In This Set

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In a shared center lane (two-way left turn lane), you are not to travel in it more than a distance of.
..300 feet.
In travel lanes, do not, for any reason at all...
On a road with more than two lanes traveling in the same direction, you use the RIGHT lane for...
...slower speeds.
On a road with more than two lanes traveling in the same direction, you use the MIDDLE lane for...
..higher speeds.
On a road with more than two lanes traveling in the same direction, you use the LEFT lane for...
..passing only.
It is unlawful to travel more than __ mph on streets of cities and towns
25 mph.
Before turning, you should turn on your turning signals at least ___ feet in advance.
100 feet.
Why do speed limits exist?
Because it takes more distance to slow down the higher the speed in which the vehicle is traveling.
Anytime you want to merge with other traffic, you need a... of about four seconds
Over ________ bicyclists are killed or injured in the United States every year.
39,000 bicyclists.
When crossing a sidewalk, drivers should...
...yield to bicyclists on the sidewalk.
When overtaking or passing a bicycle, you should allow at least __ feet of space.
3 feet of space.
When riding at night, the bicycle must have a white headlight visible for ___ feet and a red reflector visible for ___ feet to the rear.
White headlight: 500 feet.Red reflector: 600 feet.
If you refuse to take a BAC test, you will lose your license for at least ___.
One year.
If it is your first arrest within seven years and your breath or breath test result shows a BAC of .08 or more (.02 is you are under the age of 21) your license will be suspended after __ days.
90 days.