Students As Learners Praxis 5622

35 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Abraham Maslow
Develop the hierarchy of needs, which he heroes to be that unconsciously motivate people.
Albert Bandura
Think about the Bobo doll experiment. He what is a Canadian psychologist who developed the social learning theory.
Americans with disabilities act
Prohibits discrimination based on disabilities. In schools, this includes activities that take place both on and off campus, including athletic and extracurricular activities.
Attribution theory
Internal Atribution assumes when other people make mistakes or are victims since individuals tend to see others as predictable stereotypes.
BF Skinner
Expanded on operant conditioning but focused on responding to environments in Lieu of responding to stimuli.
Benjamin bloom
He contributed to the taxonomy of educational objectives and the theory of mastery learning
Classic conditioning
This practice involves learning a response to stimuli or the environment
Code switching
This happens Wednesday and slip into native language while speaking their second language or vice versa
Cognitive disabilities
Cognitive disabilities are impairments in intellectual functioning and adaptive behaviors
Cognitive dissonance theory
Uneasiness is felt when an individual has a conflict ding thoughts
Cognitive domain
This deals with acquiring intellect
Cognitive processes
This involves acquiring new knowledge and skills and being able to apply new learning to new situations and dry conclusions from it.
Providing curricula for students based on their individual needs and including learning styles/levels.
Divergent thinkers
Divergent thinkers are people who think more deeply and differently from other people.
Edward thorndike
He researched intellectually lead to operant conditioning his learning laws include the law of the fact, the law of readiness, exercise.