
A set of questions for Intermediate Students about staycation

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Question 1
Question 1
What is staycation? Explain with your own words
Question 2
Question 2
What do you do during the staycation?
Question 3
Question 3
Name three benefits of staycation
Question 4
Question 4
Name three disadvantages of staycation
Question 5
Question 5
What activities that you do to kill boredom during the staycation?
Question 6
Question 6
Name 4 activities that will improve your creativity during the staycation
Question 7
Question 7
If you could choose, would you rather have longer staycation or travel with your friends? Why?
Question 8
Question 8
Suppose that you had to take a 3 week staycation without your gadgets (phone, pc, Ipad, laptop, game console), what would you do?
Question 9
Question 9
Do you spend more time on your gadgets during the staycation? Why?
Question 10
Question 10
Do you enjoy your staycation? Why? Why not?