Statistics Final Exam

Stats test flashcards

49 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Correlated Samples
Dependent Variable must be interval or ratio and the samples must be correlated.
Arithmetic average of raw scores. Takes all of the information into account. *Interval/Ratio
Sum of Squares(SS)
Sum of the squared deviations of raw scores from the mean.
In the assumptions of pearson r both variables are ____ or ____ level of measurement.
Interval or Ratio
The average squared deviation of raw scores from the mean.
Number of standard deviation units a raw score lies from the mean.
How tall and peaked or how short and flat a distribution is in relation to the normal distribution.
The probability of making a type two error.
Correlational Statistics
Describes the strength & direction of a relationship using a correlation coefficient. Makes predictions about one variable based on the prediction using a regression line. Forecasts the amount of predictions using the standard error of estimate.
Standard Deviation(S)
The average deviation of raw scores from the mean.
Central Tendency
When scores tend to be more numerous around the middle of a distribution. Measures include: Mode, Median, & Range
Most common category, rank, or score. Based soley on frequency information. (Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, & Ratio)
Descriptive Statistics
Used to condense, summarize, & describe sets of data and characteristics of distributions.
Index of Forecasting Efficientcy(E)
Proportion of guessing error eliminated when using the regression error to make predictions. 1-/1-r2
Coefficient of Alienation(K)
Proportion of guessing error remaining in predictions made with a regression equation. /1-r2