Stars Final

50 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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A light year is the distance that light travels in one year
Almost everything we know about the universe comes from radiation traveling in space
The ecliptic is the path of the sun across the sky during the course of a year
The backwards motion of the planets in the sky is called retrograde motion
Light from the earth that reflects back to the moon is called earth shine
The ability to distinguish between details is called resolution
Energy composed of rapidly varying electic and magnetic firlds that has become detached from its source is electro-magnetic radiation
A simple refracting telescope consists of a lens at one side and an eye piece at the other side
The telescope characteristic that is often advertised in stores bus has little impact on its performance is magnification
An important factor in the ability for an astronomer to observe the sky is its transparency which is how clear the sky is
A reflecting telescope with a large mirrior is different than a telescope with a small mirror because the one with the large mirror has better light gathering power and better resolution
Sometimes big grouping of stars are not called constellations but are called asterisms
There are 88 constellations
Stars twinkleplanets don't
The 1st day of spring in march is called the vernal equinoz
If you are standing on the equator the stars would move perpendicular in respect to the horizon
A simple relatively cheap telescope is called a Dobson ian telescope
The instant th sun reaches its fathest point north on the celestrial sphere is called the summer solstice
Standard time is based on the mean solar day
Light that we receive from the sun comes from its photoshere
Dark cool regions on the photoshere of the sun are called sunspots
For an earth bound observer, when the moon is at opposition to the sun and in the plane of the ecliptic the result is a total lunar eclipse
When no sunlight is falling on the side of the moon facing earth it is called new moon
Plate tectonics is the motion of section of the earth crust moving across the lithosphere
Most UV radiation does not reach the surface of the earth becasue of the Ozone layer
Charged particles trapped in the earths magnetic field are auroras (northern lights)
Smooth flat surfaces on the moon are called maria
The rate of rotation of the moon on its axis is the same as its rate of revolution around the earth
The line that seperates the day and night of the moon is the terminator
Most lunar craters are formed by metorite impacts