Stages of Labor

Stages of Lab or

34 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Bloody show
Pink-tinged mucus secretiosn resulting from rupture of small capillaries as the cervix effaces & dilates
Cardinal movements
Positional changes of the fetus as it moves through the birth canal during labor & birth.
Cervical dilatation
Process in which the cervical os & the cervical canal widen from less than 1 cm to approx. 10 cm, allowing birth of the fetus
Appearance of the presenting fetal part at the vaginal orifice during labor
The time length of each contraction, measured from the beginning of the increment to the completion of the decrement
Thinning & shortening of the cervix that occurs late in pregnancy or during labor.
The entrance of the fetal presenting part into the superior pelvic strait & the beginning of the descent through the pelvic canal.
Fetal attitude
Relationship of the fetal parts to one another. Normal fetal attitude is one of moderate flexion of the arms onto the chest & flextion of the legs onto the abd.
Fetal lie
Relationship of the cephalocaudal axis (spinal column) of the fetus to the cephalocaudal axis (spinal column) of the woman. fetus may be in a longitudinal or transverse lie.
Fetal position
Relationship of the landmark on the presenting fetal part oto the front, sides or back of the maternal pelvis.
Fetal presentation
Fetal body part that enters the maternal pelvis first. The 3 possible presentations are cephalic, shoulder and breech
In the fetus, an unossified space or soft spot, consisting of a strong band of connective tissue lying between the cranial bones of the skull
The time between the beginning of 1 contraction & the beginning fo the next contraction
The strength of a uterine contraction during acme
Moving of the fetus & uterus downward into the pelvic cavity