Sports Venue


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Bill Vecks 12 commandments for sucessful Sport Marketing
1. Take your work very seriously. go for broke and give it your all
2.Never take yourself seriously
3.FInd yourself and alter ego and bond with him or her for the res of ur professional life
4.surround urself with similarly dedicated coul mates, free spirits of whom you can ask why and why not and who can ask the same of you your hiring be color blind gender blind age blind and experience blind. You never work for Bill veeck. You work with him
6.if your a president, owner, or operator, attend every home habme and never leave until the last out
7.answer all your mail, you might learn something
8.listen and be available to your fans
9.Enjoy and respect the members of the media
10.Create an aura in your city
11If you dont think a promotions is fun dont do it. Never insult your fans.
12Dont miss the essence of what is happening at the moment let it happen cherisfh the moment and commit it to your memory
Who is the father of sport marketing?
Bill veeck
How is Sport market slowly growing?
More professional sports orgs are employig a professional sales staff that enjoys an ongoing training and planning program

A number of new org have developed to initiate collective stratagies to market segments of the sport industry

Sport marketing-specific publications have been created
Two major thrusts of sport marketing
The marketing of products to the sport consumer

the marketing of the sport and non-sport product through sport
Challanges in sport Marketing
Marketing Myopia (narrow-mindedness; intolerance.)

LAck of market researchP

poor sales training and techniques
Market myopia is a lack in _____ in marketing venues
Why would you want brand equity with a team?

What is bran equity?
Who focused on producing and selling goods and services rather than identifying and satisfying the needs and wants of consumers and their markets?
Steve JObs
Why Market?
1. Reinforce what currently is positive
2. Change from non-comsumer to consumer
3. MOdify behavior or attitudes
What are all activites designed to meet?
The wants and needs of sport consumers through an exchange process
Sports consumers are involoved in sport through
Playing officiating, watching, listening, reading and collecting
What is the uniqueness of sport marketing
Product, MArket, Finance, Promotion
The sport Product
Any bundle or combination of qualities, processes, and capabiliteis (goods, services or ideas) that a buy expects will deliver want and need satidfaction

Core benefits
Uniqueness od the sport product
Intangable, ephemeral (lasting a very short time; short-lived; ), experiential and subjective nature
What emphasizes celeberties?
Media and sponsors