Sports Psychology Flashcards


53 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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What is motivation? What are the 4 things in motivaiton?
Moved to do something. energized regulation direction quality
What is the basic premise of AGT?
People engage in achievement situations in order to demonstrate competence
What are the two concepts of ability?
TASK= ability is demonstrated through learning and mastery
EGO= ability is demonstrated through being better than others
What is the orthogonality of goals?
Elite athletes are high on both task and ego
WHY are achievement goals important:
Ego orientated more likely to drop out. Might lead to lack of moral function and cheating. The purpose of sports is to enhance self esteem and promote self esteem for taks as opposed to status for ego. also ego leads to more anxiety in sport
What is the difference between goal involvement and goal orientation?
Goal involvement is two concepts of ability task involvement and ego involvement. Goal orientations is individuals differ in their proneness to task and ego involvement
What is the relationship between ego involvement and task involvement and adaptive behavior
Both can be related with high percieved ability but ego orientated individuals drop out much more
SELF DETERMINATION THEORY: What is introjected regulation? COME BACK TO
Takes in value but does not accept it as their own. avoidance of guilt and shame and ego involvement and pride
What is identified regulation?
Takes it in and is atuonomous but not as powerful as intrisic motivation
What are the two aspects of rewards?
Informational= need for competence (ie personal goals) CONTROLLING= Need for autonomy or self-determiantion (ie money, exectaitons)
What are the big three parts from self-determination application?
Autonomy, competence and relatedness
Describe the 3 pyschological mediators of the social context motivation relationship proposed by self-determination theory?
Name 3 situations (what does that mean) that can impact motivation? NOT SURE THIS IS RIGHT
Success vs failure, competetion, rewards, cooperation different coachs
Define and example of each: Intrinsic motivation ,
INTRINSIC MOTIVATION= Motivate yourself, not influenced by external factors. IE play just for fun
Identified regulation
IDENTIFIED REGULATION= Its important and people choose to do it because they think that it is important but dont do it for the activty itself do it for other reasons IE excerise every day because know that it important for keeping sharp and help in business