Speech 1: Mt. Fuji

Speech on Mt. Fuji in Japan

11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Japan- The land of the Rising SunHey my name is Ali Carter and I would like to talk about Mt. Fuji in Japan. In the summer of 2006 I had the opportunity to hike Mt. Fuji with my oldest sister and her husband
Japan is know as the land of the rising sun because it is said to be where the sun originates. According to the Kobe World website this is why many people hike Mt. Fuji- to see the first sunrise of the day. The sun rises between 4:30 and 5 am and is only visible in perfect conditions.
The history.com website says that mt. Fuji is located about 60 miles to the west of Tokyo. In fact on a clear day you can see Mt. Fuji from the city. Mt. Fuji is a volcano that last erupted in 1707. It is 3,776 meters in elevation, or 12, 388 feet tall. These are just a few pictures of the terrain on the mountain. You can kind of see the volvanic like rocks/graval
Mt Fuji is open for hiking only in the summer months of July and August. This is because it is the only time weather conditions are stable enough for hiking. The average tempter at the summit during theses 2 months is 40-43 degrees.
On average it take 15-20 hours roundtrip to hike the mountain. When hiking you must be prepared for all types of weather conditions- especially the cold and rain. When hike you will want to pack clothes to layer yourself with. As you increase in elevation the temp will start to decrease quickly. you will want a nice warm jackets and pants, along with gloves and a hat.
Because most people are hiking to see the sunrise, that will be hiking at night. you will need a flashlight or headlamp with extra batteries. A head lamp is the most suggested method because it leaves your hand free to climb and to catch yourself it you fall.
Snacks and water are also very important. Things like granola bars and peanut butter are great. It is said that at least 2 liters of water will be needed. It is very important to stay hydrated along the way.
Camp stations place along the mountain. Theses stations sell water, food, camping and hiking supplies. They also have bedding incase you want to stop for a nap along the way. This is a picture of a camp station. I think this might actually be at the summit.
The walking stick I am passing around is a souvenir I got while hiking. You buy the stick at the base of the mountain. As you hike at each camp station you can pay to have the stick branded that stations symbol.
Hiking Mt. Fuji is an incredible experience and gives you respect for nature. I would suggest if ever give the opportunity to hike Mt. Fuji that you go experience "the land of the rising sun."
The End