Special Education Services for Students in General and Special Education

Chapter 1

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 192

Cards In This Set

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The landmark racial discrimination case that opened the door for students who experienced inequality in school was
Brown v. Board of Education
In which year was P.L. 94-142, originally referred to as the Education for All Handicapped
Children Act, enacted?
That no child with disabilities can be excluded from receiving a free appropriate public education, is one of IDEIA primary characteristics, and is referred to as:
Zero reject/free appropriate education
Which is the largest disability group in U.S. schools?
Learning disabilities
The chief responsibilities of classroom teachers are to:
Adapt curriculum
Which provision of IDEA “ensures that everyone with a stake in the student’s educational success
has a voice and guarantees the right to an impartial hearing if appropriate procedures outlined by IDEA are not being followed?”
Due process
If you have a child who is under the age of three and needs special education and related services which type of plan or program would be developed for him or her?
Individualized Family Service Plan
Which of the following is NOT included in the IEP?
General education teachers lesson plans
The Least Restrictive Environment is always the general education classroom.
The opinion or observation of a parent is not as important as what the teacher, administrator or psychologist have to say about their child.