Sounds of Poetry QUIZ

This set of flashcards are for the SOUNDS OF POETRY QUIZ- ENGLISH

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 197

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Repitition of beginning consonant sounds EX. The bag broke easily.
The repitition of vowel sounds anywhere in words.
The repitition of consonant sounds (inside words)
Line Breaks
Where the line ends, used for rhythm, slight pause but do not treat it as the end of a sentence (period)
The use of words that sound like what they name.EX. swish, swoosh, boom, crackle, pop, meow, or drip
Repeating the same word or phrase
Using words whose endings sound alike
Internal Rhyme
Happens within the same line
End Rhyme
Happens at the end of lines
A pattern of stressed and unstressed syllablesEX. in singing- sing is the stressed syllable and -ing is the unstressed syllable