Sociology - Gender

23 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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A person’s sex
Is a biological trait characterized by the XX chromosomes and estrogen for a female and the XY chromosomes and testosterone for a male
Is a social construct based on definitions of masculinity and femininity and consisting largely of the norms and expectations that encourage people to behave in a “Sex-appropriate” manner
Gender identity
Is the perception, developed probably by age three, of oneself as male or female. It is not to be confused with sexual orientation, and is not necessarily consistent with a person’s sex.
Gendered order
Is a macro-level concept and refers not to individuals but to social structure. It includes gendered norms, gendered roles, and a gendered ideology, which together make social life gendered, directing how males and females should act
gendered division of labour
Which males and females, in both the unpaid and paid labour arenas, tend to act “gender-appropriately”
Those who includes aspects of both genders.
Is a common term for a cross-dresser and is applied more often to males than females.
Automatically are one sex, but feel like and want to be treated as a member of the other sex
Public realm
Paid labour and the instrumental tasks needed for survival; the domain of men in functionalist thought
Paid labour and the instrumental tasks needed for survival; the domain of men in functionalist thought
private realm of the home

providing unpaid domestic labour and responsible for expressive tasks like nurturing and providing emotional support
The symbolic interactionist perspective
Brown and Gilligan argued that children learn gendered behaviour through a variety of processes, such as imitating others and receiving rewards and punishments for behaviour defined as gender-appropriate or inappropriate
Blending both masculine and feminine
A Marxist conflict perspective
® Marxists put primary emphasis on economic forces
® View the economy as the driving force in society, influencing such things as religion , the law and communications
® a system in which the traits associated with men are valued more than those associated with women
Liberal feminism
Argues that gender inequality can be remedied by giving women greater opportunity