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Capitalist Class
Prestigious University
are investors and heirs, a few top executives make 500,000+ make up 1% |
Proletarian Workers
A social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages. they do not have any authority.
Petite Bourgeoisie
The section of the middle class with the lowest social status, generally
composed of shopkeepers, lower clerical staff, etc. They have little authority
Work in firms owned by the capitalists but have authority over a large number of workers. They identify with the capitalists.
Upper Class
1% of the population
Their chief economic resource is accumulated wealth rather than income. 1/2 of upper class family were born into the bulk of their wealth. There are the old rich and corporate class They stay within their class. |
Upper- Middle Class
College or Universitiy, often with postgraduate study
are professionals and upper managers make 100,000+ make up 15% |
Lower- Middle Class
High School or college; often apprenticeship
are semiprofessionals and lower managers, craftspeople and foremen make about $50,000 make up 34% |
Working Class
High School
are factory workers, clerical workers, low paid retail sales and craftspeople make about $30,000 make up 30% |
Working Poor
Some high school
are laborers, service workers, low paid salespeople make about $16,000 make up 16% |
Under Class
Some high school
are unemployed and part time, on welfare make under $10,000 make up 4% |
1st Wave of Feminism
Racial branch wanted to reform all institutions of society Conservative branch concentrated on winning the vote for women. This branch dominated |
2nd Wave of Feminism
Women thought of work as temporary and compared it to that of a mans Goal: changing woman's work roles to changing policies on violence against women. Liberal and conservative branch wanted equal job opportunities and pay |
3rd Wave of Feminism
Still emerging
focus on the values that underlie work and the social institutions There need to be female values like cooperation, openness about vulnerability, gentleness, connection and interdependence |
The social characteristics that a society considers proper foor its males and females; maasculinity or feminity.
Biological characteristics that distinguis females and males, consisting of primary and secondary sex characteristics.