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The concept "race" refers to:
Race is a socially constructed category of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of a society consider important.
![]() What concept refers to a category of people, distinguishable by physical or cultural traits, that are socially disadvantaged? |
A Minority is a category of people, distinguishable by physical or cultural traits, that are socially disadvantaged.
![]() What are the characteristics of being a minority? Are Minorities always disadvantaged? |
The characteristics of being a minority are; a) the ability to distinguish them by a physical of cultural trait, and b) the way that society sets them apart and subordinates them.
Minorities are not always disadvantaged. |
![]() What term is used to describe a rigid and irrational generalization about an entire category of people? |
Prejudice is a rigid and irrational generalization about an entire category of people.
![]() Based on Scapegoat Theory, you would conclude that prejudice is created by: |
Scapegoat theory claims that prejudice results from frustration among people who are disadvantaged.
![]() Conflict Theory states that prejudice is: |
Conflict Theory states that prejudice is a tool used by the powerful to divide and control the population.
![]() Institutional prejudice and discrimination refers to the fact that: |
Institutional prejudice and discrimination refers to the fact that discrimination is built into the operation of societal institutions, including schools, hospitals, police and the work place.
![]() What is a state in which racial and ethnic minorities are distinct but have rough social equality? |
Pluralism is a state in which racial and ethnic minorities are distinct but have rough social equality.
![]() Assimilation refers to a pattern by which: |
Assimilation refers to a pattern by which minorities gradually adopt the patterns of the dominant race.
![]() What is the meaning of the term W.A.S.P.? |
W.A.S.P. stands for White Angelo Saxon Protestants.
![]() Which categories of Asian Americans have a median income above the national average? |
Chinese and Japanese Americans have a median income above the national average.
![]() What is the largest category of Asian Americans living in the U.S.? |
Chinese Americans are the largest group of Asian Americans living in the U.S..
Most of todays immigrants come from which two regions? |
Most of todays immigrants come from Latin America and Asia, with Mexicans, Asian Indians and Chinese coming in the largest numbers.
![]() As a social institution, the economy does what? |
The economy is a social institution through which society produces, distributes and consumes goods and services.
![]() What concept refers to an economy based on service work and computer technology? |
Post-Industrial Technology is a concept that refers to an economy based on service work and computer technology.