Sociology Exam Ch.1-4

Tuesday, Sept ember 27

72 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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The scientific study of human behavior as it is shaped by groups Comte said: "the study of society"
What is empirical data?
Can be sensed by 5 senses
What is the Sociological Perspective?
Understanding human behavior by placing it within its broader social context
Whe sociological perspective emphasizes how the social ocntext influences people's lives, particularly how people are influenced by...
Social Location
The group memberships that people have bc of their location in history and society
What did Peter Berger say about the sociological perspective?
The seeing the general in particular (general patterns of behavior in people) We see ourselves as "independent" and as "free thinkers"
What is generalization?
A statement that goes beyond the indiviual case and is applied to a broader group or situation
Who is Auguste Comte?
Creditied as founder of sociology purpose=discover social priciples and apply them to social reform
What is positivism? What did Comte propose?
A scientific approach to knowledge based on "positive" facts on the social world as opposed to mere speculation Comte proposed that the scientific method ould be applied to the study of social life
What are the goals of scientific discipline?
1. Explain why something happens 2. Make generalizations 3. Predict
The ideal of Objectivity...
"personal neutrality" To allow facts to speak for themselves and not be influenced by the researcher's personal values and biases
What was Weber's concept of Verstehen?
Verstehen=understanding Weber said to interpret human behavior is to understand the feelings and motivations of people being studied. insight is gained -observe what people do -share in thier world of meaning -appreciate why they act as they do
Who was the social thinker of the 19th century who predicted that there would be a classless society once the working class united and began a revolution was..
Emile Durkheim
Durkheim identified social integration What is social integration?
The degree to which members of a group or a society feel united by shared values and other social bonds
What is basic or pure sociology?
Sociological research for the purpose of making discoveries about life in human groups, not for making changes in those groups