Fill in the Blank with Correct Sociology Terms Flashcards

These are flashcards for my college Sociology class. These questions are from our Chapter 15 quiz.

25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 194

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About 72 percent of Americans say that they are “deeply religious,” but only _____ percent attend worship services weekly.
Instead of “cult,” many sociologists use the term _____ in its place.
“new religious movement”
A _____ is a subgroup within a religion that has a common name, tradition, and identity and is generally on good terms that the group from which it emerged.
Baptists, Lutherans, and Methodists are examples of Protestant
This major world religion believes that every believer can achieve nirvana.
The percent of Americans who say that religion is “very important in their lives” has _____ since the early 1950s.
Which of the following groups tend to be more religious?
Among those who have no religious affiliation, the largest proportion is
_____ is the belief in the literal meaning of a sacred text.
_____ argued that religion sparked economic development.
The _____ recently updated its best-selling Bible to include gender-neutral wording.
International Bible Society
A _____ is a formal and repeated behavior in which the members of a group regularly engage.
Which major theoretical perspective asks “How does religion control and oppress people?”
Conflict theory
One of the strongest beliefs around the world is that
Prayer is important.
One of the criticisms of _____is that by focusing on micro-level practices it often ignores the ways religion promotes social inequality at the macro level.
Symbolic interactionism