Social Work Test Prep Flashcards

Learn, Study, and Revise Social Work Test Prep with our quiz-based flashcards quizzes. Learn key terms, names, and much more related to Social Work Test Prep with the help of our flashcards quizzes with ease. ​

68 cards   |   Total Attempts: 196

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Piaget's Stages (ages)
Sensorimotor (birth - 2 yrs); Preoperational (2 - 7 yrs); Concrete Operational (7 - 11 yrs); Formal Operational (11+ yrs)
Freud's Stages of Psychosexual Devel (ages)
Oral (birth to 1 yr); Anal (1 - 3 yrs); Phallic (3 - 6 yrs); Latency (6 - 12 yrs); Genital (12+ yrs)
Erikson's Final Two Stages (ages)
Generativity v. Stagnation (mid-adulthood); Integrity v. Despair (old age)
Erikson's First Three Stages (ages)
Trust v. Mistrust (infancy); Autonomy v. Shame and Doubt (toddler); Initiative v. Guilt (early childhood);
Erikson Stages 4 - 6 (ages)
Industry v. Inferiority (school age); Identity v. Role Confusion (teens); Intimacy v. Isolation (yng adult)
Flight of Ideas (MSE)
Thoughts not associated by logic
Tangential Speech (MSE)
Answers don't follow question
Loose Associations (MSE)
Ideas slip off the track on to another which is obliquely related or unrelated.
Circumstantial Speech (MSE)
Speech very delayed at reaching its goal. Excessive long windedness/detail.
Mental Retardation (DSM)
IQ < or = 70; impaired functioning; onset before 18.
Rett's D/O (DSM)
Females only; head growth decel; lost coordination; social probs.
Pica (DSM)
Eating non-food (e.g., dirt)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (keywords)
Schemas; core beliefs; automatic thoughts; cognitive distortions; thought record; downward arrow;
Freud's Structural Personality Theory
Id (pleasure principle; primary process thinking); Ego (reality principle; secondary process thinking); Superego (ego ideal; conscience)
Object Relations Phases
Normal autism (1st month); Symbiotic (2 - 8 mos); Differentiation (7m - 2y); Integration/Rapproachment (2 - 3 yrs)