Social Work Midterm 1

Chapters 1 - 5

36 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Person in Environment
Intermediate level, just outside of the person
Environments impact on Person
What is Self Determination.
Self-determination is the person's right to decide for his or her self. We may not agree, but we must support it without violating Ethics.
What is unique about the Social Work profession?
1. Young, only existed for about 100 years2. Focuses on change in both person and environment.
What makes Social work a profession?
RulesPolicyShared Vision of goals (Mission Statement)Paid a wageEthical Standards
What is Mary Richmond associated with?
Charitable Organization Society, established in New York in 1877
What is the Charitable Organization Society?
Early traces of social work lead back to it. Established in New york in the 1870's. Made of up Friendly Visitors. FOCUSED ON MICRO.
What is Jane Adam's Associated with?
She is Associated with the Settlement Movement and creation of Hull House in Chicago, established in in Chicago in 1887.
What is the Settlement Movement?
Also related to Social Work. Settlement houses made to offer services for the poor. Brought Macro into the equation with Laws, courts, and public education. Workers women who lived in the community.
What is the NASW
National Association of Social Workers
A systematic set of interrelated statements intended to explain some aspect of social life or enrich our sense of how people conduct and find meaning in their daily lives. Must be Testable. Explains why something is the way it is.
A group of seperate but interrelated units that form an identifiable whole. Parts in a system interact in some way. Parts are dependent on eachother to create a whole.
General Systems Theory
A change in one part equals a change in all parts and, therefore, the total system.
Systems Perspective
Looking at people in relation to all the systems in their environment that affect them.