Social Work Licensing Exam Flashcards

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In regards to Family Systems Therapy, families strive for ___
Families strive to stay balanced between challenges and family resources.
Feedback Loops
Patterns or channels of interactions - toward morphogenesis or morphostasis
Families ability to stay the same despite challenges over time.
Ability of family to change and grow over time.
Families ability to accomplish the same goal through different means.
Negative Feedback Loop
Maintain homeostasis.
Positive Feedback Loop
Facilitate change towrard growth or dissoloution.
Who is associated with Extended Family Systems Theory?
Goal of Extended Family Systems Theory
Self-Differentiation of the self
Process of freeing yourself from family processes while maintaining connection to the family. Ability to separate feelings and thoughts from others.
What Systems Theory is associated with "Triangles" and what is it?
~Extended Family Systems Theory ~Basic units of systems. Idea that dyads are unstable and go between closeness and distance. ~When stressed, dyad pulls in a 3rd person to triangulate (i.e. Call sister when agrue w/ husband)
Nuclear Family Emotional Proccesses
Bowen Emotional patterns in a family that continues over generations. Ex. Mother from Great Depression teaches daughter to be happy if things are simply "not that bad." Daughter adopts this attitude. She hands it down to her son. He can accept or reject it.
Reactions to Nuclear Family Emotional Process
Open Conflict Physical/Emt. problems in family member Emotional Distance Substance Abuse Depression
Family Projection Process
~Family member who has problem is "triangulated" to stabilize a dyad. Extension of Nuclear Family Emotional Process. ~Bowen