Social Work: Human Behavior in the Social Environment

These are created to help study for " Humans in the Social Environment" Master Level Class.

33 cards   |   Total Attempts: 196

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Sociological Theory (8)
Social Action/ Racism/ Conflict/ Functionalist/ Interactionist/ Community, Organization/ Social Justice/ Social Constructionism
Cultural perspectives (SW Ethics) (10)
Culturalism/ ethnic identity formation/ ethnicity assoc./ ethnocentrism/ ideology/ social class/ world view/ multiculturalism/ cultural pluralism/ Dual perspective
Systems Theory (9)
Boundaries/ Differentiation/ Entropy - negative towards growth/ Feedback/ Homeostasis/ Input/ output/ Roles/ Subsystem/ Systems
Social Change Dimensions (4)
1) Racism, discrimination, oppression
2) Social and economic justice/ perspective
3) Social change & social action
4) Community organization
Parenting (4)
1) Authoritarian
2) Authoritative
4) Indulgent
Attachment (4)
1) secure
2) insecure/ avoidant
3)insecure/ resistant/ clingy
4) insecure/ disorganized
Hierarchy of needs (5)
1) Physiological- water, shelter, warmth, rest, air
2) Safety needs- security, stability, predictability
3) belonging and love
4) Esteem needs- self respect, attention
5) self- actualization
Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
1) componential intelligence
2) experiential intelligence
3) contextual intelligence
Theory of Love
romantic companionate
Passion commitment
Fatuous love
Consummate love all of the above
Behavioral and Learning Theories
Behavior and Learning theory
Social learning Theory: modeling and self-efficacy
Behavior and Learning Theory
Operant conditioning
Behavior change reinforcement-positive and negative
Punishment- negative is removal
Behavior and Learning Theory
Classical Conditioning
Unconditioned stimulus/ response vs. conditioned
Person Centered Theory
Humanistic Theory
Carl Rogers
1) self concept is congruent w/ experience
2) positive regard( warmth, empathy, positive self-regard, genuiness
Sociocultural Theories: Conflict Theory
Tensions among groups shape social structures