Social Psychology - David G Myers (10th Edition) Chapter 5-9

Social Psychology - David G Myers (10th edition) chapter 5-9  - Genes, Gender, & Culture - conformity - social influence 
- persuasion - groups 

64 cards   |   Total Attempts: 197

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Front Back
Natural selection *
Evolutionary psychology
The study of evolution of cognition and behavior using principles of natural selection
Standards for accepted and expected behavior. Norms prescribe "proper" behavior. ( what others do- what is normal)
Personal space
The buffer zone we like to maintain around our bodies - size depends on our familiarity with whoever is near us
Characteristics, whether biological or socially influenced by which people define male and female
Vicarious experience of anothers feelings; putting oneself in another's shoes
Physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt someone - in lab experiments it may mean delivering a shock or saying something likely to hurt other person
From andro(man) + gyn(woman) - thus mixing both masculine and feminine characteristics
Gender role
Set of behavior expectations (norms) for males and females
A relationship in which the effect of one factor (such as biology) depends on another factor (such as environment)
Change in behavior or belief as the result of real or imagines group pressure Asch's research - line test - people faced with strong group consensus sometimes go along even though they think the others may be wrong
Conformity that involves publicly acting in accord with an implied or explicit request while privately disagreeing (direct request) "please do it because its my birthday"
Acting in accord with a direct order or command
Conformity that involves both acting and believing in accord with social pressure
Autokinetic phenomenon
Self (auto) motion (kinetic) - the apparent movement of stationary point of light in the dark (optical illusion)
"we feeling" ; the extent to which members of a group are bound together, such as by attraction for one another