SOCI 240 PPT #8 - Doing Gender

28 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Asecribed by biology, anatomy
socially agreed upon biological criteria for classification.
Placement in a sex category is achieved by application of biological criteria but in everyday life, categorization is established by ??
Social identification displays. therefore, its possible to claim membership in a sex category withotu biological sex criteria.
Sex is the ??? category by which people classify others
Primary category
An achieved status - constructed through psychological, cultural, and social means
Traditionally believed gender was ?? by the age of 5
Believed gender was fixed by the age of 5 but now it is much more flexible
Gender is a managed conduct. Expand.
Its a managed conduct that reflects normative conceptions of attitudes and acitivties appropriate for ones sex category.
What is a situated identity and what is an example of one?
Roles are situated identities.
- identities taken on (or not) depending on the situation one is in

ex. student, professor, doctor, nurse
What is a master identity and what is an example of one?
Sex categories are master identities as it cuts across sitautions. doesnt matter!
Does gender have a situational context? explain.
Gender has NO situational context. Therefore, gender is not a role or set of traits but rater the product of social doings.
Gender = costituted through interaction. may seem natural but its socially constructed.
Who is involved in the "doing" of gender?
- Individuals "do"
- but the "doing" is carried out in the presence of others who are oriented to its production
- gender is both an outcome and cause of social arrangements
What does "doing gender" involve using?
Well-defined bundles of behaviour that can be used in various situations to produce recognizable acting of masculine or feminine.
Gender and Accountability ( Liability)
- our actions are socially scrutinized
- so, we think about how our actions may be judged by others
- sometimes to "do" gender, we engage in behaviour at the risk of gender assessment (non-normative)
How do we learn to do gender? (3 ways)
1) sex role socialization
-boys socialized to affect their environment through skill and strength
-girls taught to value appearance
-rewareded for being "male" or "female"

2) social sgregation
ex. segregated pbulic bathrooms, organized sports

3) assortative mating
-selective pairing is normatively creating gender differences
ex. men = bigger, taller, older
Doing gender makes social arrangements based on sex categorization ???

Dominance/subordination seen as due to

natural differences
However, we are ???? and ??? based on gender dispalys
We are trained to behave different and behave towards others different based on gender displays