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Whati is SLE?
This is an autoimmune disorder that is charecterized by inflammaiton and autoantibodies that develop against nuclear antigens
What are the 2 disease patterns of SLE?
1. Relapsing and Remitting ("flare up")2. continuously active disease
What is SLE trugger by?
-IV lights_drugs ( Isonazie, hydralazine, procainmide)
Which drugs are though to trigger SLE?
How does estrogen cause SLE?
Estrogen seems to foster the developemnt of SLe by enhancing helper T cells functioning and weakening the supressor T-cell fucntion and results in increased producito of autoantibodies which taget DNA, platelts, RBC
What is SLE ?
A strong type 3 hypersensitivty reaciton-antigen-antibodies deposit in the epithelial lining of the blood vessels and tissue furfaces
What do the depositics that are created by antigen=antibodies do?
-these depositcs can create an occlusion which leads to tissue death and scar formation which eventually leads to impaired organ funciton
What are some symptoms of SLE?
-malaise-fatigeue-fever-weight loss-joint pain-skin manifestations
What ar the most common organs attacked from SLE?
1. vascualr2. cardiopulmonary3. renal
Dx of SLE?
Dx can de difficult and therefore, Drug induced etiology is first ruled out through close examination of the patient drugs there taking
Drug tests used for SLE?
There is no specific drug test thats used for SLE however the msot common drug test used to rule our SLE is the antigen-Nuclear antibody test (ANA)
Which manifestatoins in the ANA ued for?
1. sleridoma2. Rhumatic arthritis
How do we Dx SLE?
1. we need a ELEVATED titer levels and 4 of the following: present to rule out sLE:-arthritis--hem dis-imm dis-neuro dis-renal dis-seritisi-anti nul-discoid rash-malr rash-orl rashphoto srash
If aden has Lupus as well as a dermatological skin proble, how would we treat her?
-NSAIDS and antimalarial drugs-hydrochloroquine
What are unconctrolled lupus flares treated with?