Skin Integrity and Wound Healing

Nursing 111 jsr

98 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Skin functions
Protection, prevents penetration, perception, temp regulation, identification, communication, wound repair, production of vit D
Layers of skin
Epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous
Functions of skin
Protection, thermoregulation, sensations, metabolism, communication, regeneration
Pain, itch, vibration, heat, cold
Characteristics of Normal skin
Color/pigmentation, temp, moisture, texture, thickness, turgor, odor
Skin changes in adult and older adult
Loss of sensation,elasticity,tissue,fat; dry, itchy, poor perfusion, sebaccous, sweat glands
Skin growths in adult and older adult
Keratoses, senil lentigines, skin tags around neck, eyes, axilla most are benign, check for malignant growths
Adequate circulation and blood flow to skin
Adequate pumping of heart & blood vol., arteries and veins that are patent and function, local cap pressure higher than external pressure
Leg ulceration
Legs- arterial/venous disease, neuropathy or diabetes, stasis dermatitis occurs with venous
Skin nutrition
Deficiency of protein or cal will lead to dull, dry hair that falls out and skin that is dry and flaky
Pressure ulcers
Reduced cap blood flow to skin and underlying tissues, bony prominences are high risk
Condition of epidermis
Must be unbroken, excessive moisture can lead to breakdown
Macerated skin
Skin that is continually exposed to moisture increasing its succeptibility to infection and trauma, appears wrinkled/light
Skin allergy
Reactions are mediated by histamine, irritants may be chemical or mechanical, dermatitis produces epidermal and dermal damage or irritation
Infections of skin
Strep & staph are responsible for most skin infections, virsues may be involved, pruritus accompanies and may lead to secondary infection