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What do the letters of CATBITES stand for in categorizing bone disease?
A-arthritides T-trauma B-blood (hematological) I-Infection T-Tumors E-Endocrine S-soft tissue |
What is a disruption in the continuity of bone?
What is the displacement of a bone in relation to the opposing bone at a joint, which results in a complete loss of joint continuity?
What is a partial loss of continuity between 2 opposing bones at a joint?
What is a separation or displacement of bone in relation to opposing bone at a slightly moveable joint?
What percentage of bone loss is needed in order to be seen on radiographic film?
What do the ABCS stand for in regards to direct searching order on a radiograph?
B-Bones C-Cartilage S-Soft Tissue |
Which type of conventional tomography produces the best images?
Multi-directional tomography
What are the 6 motions used in conventional tomography? Which is the Most Common?
Elliptical Circular Figure 8 Hypocycloidal (most common, most expensive) Tri Spiral |
What indications are more commonly imaged via CT and MRI rather than radiograph?
Evaluation of fracture healing at site of union
Tibia plateau fractures Evaluation of skull, spine, and pelvis Osteochondral bodies |
What plane are most Computed Tomography images obtained via?
Axial (transverse)